Sunday, March 3, 2019

Film Outline

I've finally created a plot for a film that I think would be suitable for this project. I have come up with the majority of the plot for the movie despite the fact that I will only actually be filming the opening because it only makes sense to me to have the whole plot before picking out the section that would serve as the introduction.

My film is a drama that revolves around both depression and music like I wanted, which I discussed in my previous post. While I do not have every detail of the plot, nor the ending of it, worked out, I have enough to begin my work on the creation of the opening.

Essentially, the film is about a teenage girl who struggles with depression and finds comfort in rap music. The full outline is as follows, although it is just the general idea and lacks the major details, but I will fill those in later:

  • The girl gets home one day, probably from school, and goes to her room.
    • Here, her relationship with rap music is established.
    • I think the girl wouldn't necessarily come across as the stereotypical idea of someone who would listen to rap.
  • She begins to write raps of her own, but she keeps them to herself.
    • This would serve as a coping mechanism for her.
  • She eventually releases a rap or two, probably by uploading it to a platform like SoundCloud [1], but under an alias/ un-identifying username.
  • Her account/ posts grow in popularity, but her depression worsens.
    • She would continue to upload, but maybe at some point go on hiatus as her mental illness takes over. This could also send a message of how many people who are suffering are too afraid to or down't know how to get help.
  • People that have heard her music begin wondering where she went, while some share how her music helped them with what they're going through.
    • This gives the girl a feeling that she matters more than she thinks she does.
  • Once again, the end is undecided.

For this film, I've looked into sources for music that isn't copyrighted, and I came across this royalty-free rap website [2], which I may work into the film opening.


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