Sunday, March 31, 2019

Duplicate Frames

I decided to try another editing format for the beginning section of the film opening after the credits. With this format, I would be replaying each clip from the section three times (I chose three randomly because it logically made sense -- not too long or too short). The section includes all the clips of Maya getting home: opening the door, closing the door, walking in, etc. I would take each clip and shorten it as much as possible, then I duplicated the clip two more times.

My intention was that the repetition would reflect the mundane, repetitive way Maya perceived her life. This sounds great in theory, but it failed in reality. It honestly just looked like the video was glitching, and I did not like it. I think it would've been pulled off much nicer had Maya changed outfits during each clip because that would reflect a new day. Unfortunately for this, I was away over spring break and simply do not have the time to re-film each clip in two additional outfits.

I'm currently still trying to find a way to add the visual interest I spoke about before because I want my film opening to be different, appealing, and aesthetically-pleasing, while still portraying that heavier mood.

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